An ongoing collection of tools and information for campus occupations.
Tips on printing:
- Select print to letter size;
- Do a test print first;
- You will have to fold and staple;
- Bring to the encampment, protest, people’s library, etc.
- First We Take Columbia, Ill Will Editions, 2024.
- The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide, 2024 Edition
- De-Arrest Primer, Cal Poly Humbolt, spring 2024.
- Communiqué from an Absent Future: the End of Student Life
- From the Galilee to Gaza: A Voice from Palestine, Crimethinc, 2024.
- Lessons on Taking the School, Crimethinc, 2024.
- Worker Student Action Committees: France May 1968, by Fredy Perlman and Roger Gregoire
- “A Legacy of Rebellion: The 1971 University of Arizona Campus Uprising,” Living and Fighting, April 2024.
- “Following Violent Police Crackdown of Anti-War Protests, Campus and Building Occupations Spread,” It’s Going Down, April 23, 2024.
- “It’s an Honor to be Suspended for Palestine:
Dispatches from the Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University, Crimethinc, 2024.
- After the Fall: Communiqués from Occupied California, February, 2010. [pdf version]
- Campus Occupations, 2008-2010 and Today, Crimethinc.
Fliers and posters:
- Outside Agitator Means Solidarity, Living and Fighting, Tucson, 2024.
- Five Principles of Unity, 2024.
- Flier from Cal Poly Humbolt California, 2024.
- This is About Stopping the Genocide in Palestine, Crimethinc, 2024.
- A Call for Outside Agitation, flier, Indiana Universtiy Strike, 2013.