Living & Fighting is accepting pitches for our 2024 Film Criticism series.
Motion picture media has an enormous footprint on our lives. We at Living & Fighting view this medium with great ambivalence—it has given us transcendent experiences of artistic ecstasy, yet it has also been the streaming, click-bait, depressive soundtrack of our nightmares.
In a film review published on Living & Fighting, one of our editors wrote, “At a moment when cinema has been so thoroughly subsumed within systems of profit and seems so much more calibrated to distract us than enrich us, we confront it with a simple demand: justify yourself.”
In an effort to deepen these explorations, Living & Fighting is now accepting pitches for creative works analyzing, criticizing and otherwise engaging with film. Reviews and criticism of particular films and reflection on film as such will be considered. We’ll consider work from writers located in the Southwest and borderlands, or about films with a connection to this region.
We won’t accept every pitch we get, so don’t be too disappointed if yours isn’t accepted. We will prioritize potent ideas and carefully examined lived experience over perfect prose or technical execution. New writers and creators are encouraged to submit.
Acceptable mediums: Pitches of essay, poetry, video, art, and other multimedia accepted. No word count or length restrictions, but we probably won’t be able to deal with really long works.
We will only on rare occasions accept finished pieces. Please send us a short pitch so we can discuss your piece with you first.
L&F is as broke as you are. No one gets paid.
Submission deadline: February 1, 2024
Submit to: livingandfighting@protonmail.com