Announcing the 1st Living & Fighting Print Issue!

We’re excited to announce the first print edition of Living & Fighting!

The journal highlights fragments of resistance, and lives worth living and fighting for, in the mountains and borderlands of the Southwest and the Sonoran Desert. In these pages, you’ll encounter writing on Indigenous and colonial histories of water use in the desert, experiments in autonomous communing, responses to the national abortion crisis, the anti-capitalist roots of food co-ops in Tucson, an interactive essay on game play as revolutionary praxis, an acid communism-influenced review of The Matrix, and poetry on grief and protection. These are printed alongside collages, a weaving, photographs, video stills, and paintings, all of which convey a sense of here-ness and gesture at earth, embodiment, boundaries, decay, and reconfiguration.

Contributors include Chava Shapiro, Nika Kaiser, coolsquid and a random stranger, Ryan Fatica, rocki swiderski, Wren Awry, Tyler Espinoza, odd, sevi giovanni xcetera, Unsigned, Anonymous, and others who prefer to go unnamed. 

You can purchase a copy for $12.00 on our Big Cartel, and follow our Instagram for updates.


  In this floating world with its cargo of brutality, there are many things that want to be said. Living & Fighting will say a few of them. It is a necessarily rude gesture in cyberspace, hopefully exceeding it. This excess is our desire and its refusal to settle into an automatic life.

  L&F circulates a multiplicity of fragments from the so-called Southwest.

︎ ︎ poetry
︎ ︎ state repression
︎ ︎ independent media
︎ ︎ sporadic aphorism
︎ ︎ opinion piece
︎ ︎ events/talks/interviews
︎ ︎ multimedia content
︎ ︎ long form essay  
︎ ︎ gestures
︎ ︎ podcast
︎ ︎ excerpt


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